University Parking LPR System – North America

Advanced ALPR Software enabling

A US parking integrator manages all campus parking operations on behalf of the University. It is their mission to provide safe and efficient campus parking solutions. They oversee over 20 garages and surface parking lots across the entire campus.
The Challenge
All vehicles entering and exiting the University’s parking facilities were monitored and originally, they chose a commercial version of a formerly open source LPR solution which used Chinese manufactured IP cameras together with an expensive power-hungry server with GPU for LPR processing. This solution was not working for them for a few reasons: streaming video resulted in lost frames and large LTE bills, LPR accuracy was low and cameras had reliability issues.
The Solution
They opted for a phased approach to convert their existing LPR system to an edge based processing solution which allowed the LPR software to run directly on the camera minimizing software and hardware costs. Vaxtor’s VaxALPR On Camera software runs embedded on Axis cameras that have a longstanding reputation of being both secure and reliable. For their garages and lots existing IP cameras, they used Vaxtor’s centralized solution, which consists of the VaxALPR for PC software and Helix, Vaxtor’s web-based back office. Over time, legacy cameras will be replaced with Axis models running VaxALPR On Camera software without requiring a change to the back office and reporting to Helix.
The Result
The integrator is now able to effectively capture license plates 24/7 and review all incoming and outgoing vehicles in Helix and should an incident arise, they are able to download data and images for a specific plate. In the future, the integrator plans to use Helix’s blacklist capabilities to notify campus security of any vehicles of interest arriving on campus.