Car Park Management – Telpark (Spain) – EMEA

ALPR On-Android SDK

Telpark is a provider of mobility solutions and parking needs responses.
It is a pioneer in streamlining and optimizing mobility for new urban spaces, as well as in parking management that enhances quality of life.
It manages nearly 430,000 parking spaces in 148 cities in Spain, Portugal, Turkey, and Andorra. The company is the leader in the Spanish and Portuguese sectors and the main global operator.
The Challenge
One of its main business areas is hourly regulated parking. However, this area was starting to become technologically obsolete compared to the company’s rapid growth in other areas. Faced with the increasing digitization of many companies in the sector, the company decided to make a 180-degree turn and replaced static license plate reading with real-time video processing. This change represented a significant challenge, as many of its ON-STREET employees had been using PDAs to take photos and then cross-reference the information for years, requiring considerable time dedication for each captured license plate. The digital transition had to be easy and intuitive for workers, and adaptation to this new technology had to be almost immediate.
The Solution
Carlos Carballo, Director of ON-STREET Technology, contacted Vaxtor to implement a solution that would streamline the entire work process. VaxALPR On-Android SDK can operate in synchronous mode (click and process a plate or container read) for collecting or checking data, or in asynchronous mode continuously reading plates or containers moving at speed from a hand-held device or a mounted one on a dashboard. Thanks to this technology and the excellent work of the Telpark development team, the following was achieved: The worker can simply pass the video camera of their PDA in front of any vehicle, and it will emit a beep that will allow the worker to identify any irregularity associated with the recognized license plate.
The Result
Telpark finally succeeds by financing this digitization project thanks to two very important improvements:
1. Optimization of the work process.
Now, employees can go from spending 20 seconds reading and analyzing each license plate to less than 1 second to determine the vehicle’s status. Every 40 vehicles they will save 13 minutes. This improves efficiency and productivity and provides a sense of satisfaction to the employee when performing their work quickly and accurately.
2. Reduction of workplace hazard for ON-STREET workers.
By digitizing the work process, employees no longer need to spend as much time looking at their PDA. Instead, they can pay more attention to their surroundings, such as vehicles, crosswalks, or any other obstacle that could cause a workplace accident.