Vaxtor Launches The On-Mobile Android Version Of The Vaxtor OCR Engine

Vaxtor has successfully ported the latest Vaxtor OCR engine to an Android platform for release in March 2021 on popular Smart Phones.
An SDK is available for key partners who may want to develop their own Android App in order to gain a significant market advantage. Vaxtor has also developed a fully working App which works both in synchronous and asynchronous modes and the source code for this will be available free-of-charge in order to reduce our partners’ development times.
The App will run on a typical smartphone such as the Samsung Galaxy S9 at the same speed as that of an Intel i7 with an OCR accuracy rate in excess of 99%.
Uses include:
- ALPR Car Park Auditing
- ALPR Police / Warden Checking
- Queue Busting
- Congestion Charge / Clean Air Zone Checking & Enforcement
- Police or Bailiff Drive-Past Vehicle Checking
- Event Security
- Domestic Use
If you would like more information please contact us.